The International Watercolor Contest "WATERCOLORium" is held every season in different countries of the world.
Watercolor artists from any country can take part in the competition!
Important feature of the project: all works will be assessed by the experts of watercolor world, established watercolor painters, laureates of watercolor contests, and leaders of international communities of watercolor artists.
The nearest exhibition:
International Watercolor Competition
RUSSIA, Moscow:
Dates: February 16-22, 2025
Registration deadline: until February 10, 2025
Address / Venue: Moscow, Kievskaya St., 2; Moscow Center for Contemporary Arts ART-COMMUNA
SERBIA, Sremska Mitrovica: August 10-16, 2024
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: until August 1, 2024
VENUE: Muzej Sŕema, Sremska Mitrovica, Vuka Karadziča nomer 3
WATERCOLORium location
«Fine art is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart of man go together»
«You should keep on painting no matter how difficult it is, because this is all part of experience, and the more experience you have, the better it is... Unless it kills you, and then you know you have gone too far"
«Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up»