Президент Международного акварельного сообщества в Турции (President of the IWS Turkey)
С 2015 по настоящее время
Watercolor painting
Профессор Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi
She was born in İzmir, in 1962. He graduated from English Language and Literature Department of University.
The artist started her first art education from childhood with private lessons of a famous painter. After her retirement from hard business life she started to work in a private studio in 2010 on charcoal drawing and oil painting. The artist was fascinated by watercolors as she watched live presentations of watercolor artists and begun to work on watercolor. She continued to develop the art of watercolor by attending private courses, municipal courses and public education courses at the same time. During this period, she took part in various events, festivals, street works, competitions, exhibitions. She continued her painting studies in a studio, which she opened with her artist friends. She is still continuing her watercolor works in her personal studio. She is Country Manager of International Watercolor Society (IWS) since 2015. She has 3 personal exhibitions and numerous national and international group exhibitions. She participated international and national festivals , live demonstrations and organised various events, festivals, street works, competitions, exhibitions and catalogue designs. One of her artwork held at International Watercolor Museum In Fabriano-Italy and Zhuji Museum China.
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